Our Services

The Department of 校园 Safety (DCS) is proactive. Our services don't just prepare you to navigate threats to your health 和 safety retroactively; we partner with the community to reduce crime on 校园 altogether. With services ranging from crime prevention, 校园 patrols, safety training 和 community outreach to electronic service systems & technology (ESS&T) 和 victim support, we empower you to take your safety into your own h和s.

  • 的星

    犯罪 预防

    Read our tips to learn how to mitigate your risk of falling victim to a crime.

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    Safety Training Courses

    Educate yourself about safety-related issues with our range of classes.

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  • 明星

    Community Outreach

    We offer outreach 和 crime prevention 项目 to encourage conversation, education 和 positive interaction with the 校园 community.

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  • 明星

    Electronic Service Systems & Technology

    Get help managing building access 和 addressing hardware 和 software problems.

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  • 明星

    Victim Services

    We help crime victims with resources direction 和 in-person assistance from our staff.

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Upcoming Events

Check back often for upcoming events.
