
所有停放在学校拥有的非计量停车场的机动车辆都必须从停车和移动服务部门获得该机动车辆的停车许可证. 停车 permits are issued only for use by the person 和 on the vehicle(s) specified.


  • 大学停车许可证的购买授予许可证持有人进入特定的停车场, but does not guarantee a parking place on campus. 停车 for all permit holders is on a "first-come, first-served" basis only.
  • 所有停放在大学物业的车辆必须显示当前有效的车牌,并在颁发车牌的州进行全面登记.
  • 所有停车许可证必须显示在挡风玻璃的左下角,并通过停车服务部门系统附上有效的车牌.
    • 允许虚拟停车的地段必须通过停车服务部门附上/关联车牌,并显示在中心通道上.
    • University Rental Property (URP) permits must be displayed on rearview mirror, 必须通过停车服务处附上/关联车牌并显示在中间通道上.
  • A permit is not transferable to other individuals.
  • 任何取得车辆许可证的人应对此类车辆或许可证持有人所发生的一切违规行为负责.
  • 所有住宿学生停车场将收取24小时的通行费,以覆盖存储停车对校园活动的影响.


    The Department of 停车 Services issues, for a fee, the following parking permit types:

    • 限制(红色)

      A restricted permit is valid for a specific restricted parking lot 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 另外, 下午4点到早上6点, 星期一至星期五, 和 all times on the weekends a restricted permit is valid lots H1, Q, W和所有通用100系列停车场. This permit is not valid in hourly paid parking lots or designated parking spaces.

    • 一般(黄色)

      A general permit is valid in General parking lots within the designated area (i.e. North or South) on the front of the permit at all times. 另外,从下午4点开始.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, 在周末的所有时间,一般许可证在所有一般100系列地段和受限制地段H1均有效, Q, 和W. This permit is not valid in metered visitor lots or designated parking spaces.

    • 晚上/周末(银)

      A Night/Weekend General permit is valid from 4 p.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, 和 all times on weekends in 通用100系列批号 和 H1, Q, 和W. This permit is not valid in metered visitor lots or designated parking spaces.

      A Night/Weekend Restricted permit is valid from 4 p.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, 和 all times on weekends for the lot specified on the front of the permit, 通用100系列批号, 及限制地段H1, Q和W. This permit is not valid in metered visitor lots or designated parking spaces.

    • 临时/访客

      停在任何停车场的车辆, 哪些是不被准许的车辆, 申请临时许可证. This permit may be purchased from the Department of 停车 和 移动服务 for $10.每张许可证00英镑, 或由车辆操作员前往的认可大学院系取得. PDF permits are provided to event participants from the sponsoring department or organization. Temporary permits are not valid in short term (3 hour max or less) parking lots, 装货区, 或者没有指定的停车位.

    • Motorcycle (>50cc engine displacement)

      A motorcycle permit is valid for the lot specified by the type of permit purchased. This permit is not valid in metered or designated visitor areas. 49cc以上的两轮车辆需要购买DU停车许可证,并根据购买的许可证在指定的地段停车.

    • Scooter/Moped (<50cc engine displacement)

      49毫升以下的滑板车和轻便摩托车必须在丹佛市注册,并购买仅适用于滑板车停车场的DU许可证. Scooter 和 moped parking is not permitted at bike racks, 行人通道, 或任何非指定的踏板车停车场.

    • 可访问性

      停车 和 移动服务 offers accessibility permits for a fee annually to faculty, 教职员及学生. 这些许可证可以在网上购买,也可以通过你所在州的停车服务办公室购买.

      需要无障碍停车位的访客可以使用访客停车场的指定停车位. Drivers must display a state-issued disability parking permit such as a placard or license plate. These spaces, like all visitor parking, require payment via meters or parking kiosks.

    • X许可

      停车许可证上的“X”背书是为yzcca88游戏登录网址的工作人员在直接履行职责时使用的,这些工作人员需要在校园周围的各个停车场进行日常停车. The "X" endorsement is not a parking lot upgrade. 在非大学公务期间,许可证持有人应将车停在他/她的基地停车场. The individual pays for the base permit price 和 the department pays for the "X" endorsement.


    停车许可证丢失或被盗必须立即报告给停车和移动服务部门. After a report is completed, the permit may be replaced for a nominal fee. Recovered lost or stolen permits should be returned to 停车 和 移动服务 immediately. 如果在报告提交日期后的三个月内收回原始许可证并将其退还给yzcca88游戏登录网址停车服务部门,则将退还更换费用.

    车辆经营者被发现出示已报告丢失或被盗的许可证,将对其不道德行为负责. 许可证将被没收, 该车辆将被发出传票, 固定化, 该案件将被提交给大学的公民和社区标准办公室进行纪律处分.

    当汽车出售时, 交易, 或以其他方式处理, the University parking permit must be removed 和 returned to the Department of 停车 Services. All parking permits remain the property of the yzcca88游戏登录网址.




    All refunds must be requested in-person, at our main office during normal business hours. 申请人必须填妥退款申请表,并将许可证(产品)完好地交回泊车服务中心.

    No refunds will be accepted after the refund return deadline of April 15th.

    All refunds are issued via the original method of payment, except cash. A $5 per permit/product service charge will be deducted from the total refund amount. This charge helps cover the costs associated with the researching, 处理, 发行, 和 possibly mailing a refund check to a customer. All permit refunds are based on an established, pro-rated monthly refund schedule. 退款是根据许可证实际退还的月份计算的,而不是任何正式终止, 休假日期或最后一天上课. Specific payment refund information is as follows:

    • 如果在申请退款时出示购买时的原始卡,信用卡可以立即退款. If the original credit card is not available or the card has been cancelled, the refund will be issued in the form of a check.
    • Student billing refunds will be processed according to the appropriate student billing schedule. 鼓励将停车费记ca88登录正确网址生账单账户的学生立即归还他们的许可证以获得退款,以防止将来将停车费记入他们的账户. 未归还许可证的学生将收到大学通知,反映其持有的许可证相关的适当停车费用. 撤销学生许可证持有人有责任确保将许可证退还给停车服务中心, 否则计费过程将继续. 滞纳金可能由学生账单办公室评估延迟支付学生学费账单.
    • 从学校离职且不再需要其指定停车许可证的员工的工资扣除款项将在雇佣的最后一天终止. 前雇员仍需支付全部的剩余款项,直到将其归还给停车服务中心. 我们鼓励所有员工在离开学校或不再需要停车许可证后立即归还停车许可证.
    • All other payments will be refunded through the yzcca88游戏登录网址 Accounts Payable office, 这可能需要长达四周的时间来处理.

    退款 & Unpaid 停车 Balances - If a customer has any existing parking balance (i.e.,允许 &/or fine(s)) owed to the department/University, the entire refund will be applied to the unpaid balance. If after the refund is applied to the existing balance 和 a remaining credit exists, it will be processed as a refund to the customer. 在任何情况下,对于未偿还停车/交通余额的个人,将不予退款/积分.




    停车 & 移动服务